I've got some old pictures that I keep meaning to upload that I took on my Holga when I went to Amsterdam last year, so here they are for your enjoyment.
I love getting drunk with good company. So I will be doing so tonight in Guildford, then dancing to some extremely cheesy 80s pop, and having general good times! This is a terrible excuse for a blog, but I feel that I wanted to let everyone in on that. Tonight I will be mainly drinking wine, pints, sailor jerry's, and vodka, and probably being sick. I will also be found next to the DJ begging for Thin Lizzy. Winner
I can't think of anything as good as chilling in the sun smoking fatties then some chilled out drinks in the evening.Its my plan for today, and so far it's running splendid. And Spurs beat West Ham today. Bonus, stay tuned.