The latest figures published by the Treasury state that the British Defence budget (2009/10) stood at approximately £34,465,220,261. I would like to think that I shouldn't need to go into too much detail about how outrageous this is, but for those of you that aren't aware, this is spent on things such as guns that jam in the desert and nuclear weapons. Although, really, the individual items aren't really the real issue, rather than the context of use. To put it simply, it's all money spent on armaments and such that are used to fight in the various conflicts our government is directly and indirectly involved in for reasons that stretch far beyond the reasons stated in the news, largely for someones profit. So we can all agree, that this is an unhealthy amount of outgoing for such a purpose. The point I'm trying to make is this: People are complaining that the unemployed, living off benefits are the problem with this country. That we take hard working tax payers money and laze around. There is some truth to this. I don't deny that tax payers are, 9 times out of 10, reasonably hard working. What I do have a problem with, is being labeled as the downfall of society. Put it this way. I would be a hardworking tax payer. The reason I'm not, is because there are no jobs. The reason there are no jobs is because there have been massive lay offs across the board, and no one can afford to hire new staff. There have been massive lay offs and slumps in profit because we are in a recession. We are in a recession because of inflation going a wee bit crazy. Inflation went a wee bit crazy because some greedy, top of the pyramid types allowed it to do so, and in some cases maybe engineered it to do so, at the peoples expense, to satisfy their blood lust for wealth and power. Thanks to the super thinking of Milton Friedman, Regan and Thatcher, we live in a free market system which regulates itself. Only, history shows us, it only seems to regulate itself in a way that benefits the wealthy at the expense of the working class. In these broad terms, I refer to the working class to be any one who doesn't fall into the 10% of people that own 80% of the worlds wealth. A disgusting statistic, yes, but a factual statistic none the less.
The point I'm trying to make, and yes there is a point to all of this, is that it's about time someone got something back from a system that seems every day to appear less and less like it is designed to work for them, and not just take from them. I'm not trying to make any bold political statements, rather than open a forum for debate. I don't contest that Britain offers one of the best standards of living the world has to offer. What I contest is why should it have to be at the expense of the majority of the population of the world? That's probably the main point, but really, leave me alone. I'm trying to get a job. There are none. Fuck off. And in case you didn't know, I pay tax on my job seekers. Which makes about as much sense as the fall of tower 7.
Until next time....
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